Covington Travel “Strength in Numbers” Drawing Provides Support for WCVE’s Spring Campaign
Richmond, VA, May 3, 2011
During WCVE’s recent Spring Campaign, Covington Travel donated two round-trip airline tickets for the station’s Strength in Numbers’ Drawing. Our goal was to provide WCVE’s listening audience with an added incentive to support their campaign efforts.
On Monday, May 2, 2011, Curtis Monk, President and CEO of the Community Idea Stations and Josée Covington, President and CEO of Covington Travel, drew the winner of the tickets live on Classical Music with Bobbie Barajas.
Congratulations to the winners, Adele and David Karp of Richmond, long-time supporters of public radio.
According to Josée, “It is not only our obligation to support public radio, but it should be our mission to make sure public radio stays on the air, alive and well, fully supported morally and financially by our entire community.”
During the past campaign, WCVE reached their goal by adding new members along with contributions from renewing and current members. Curtis Monk attributed part of their success to the generous support of Covington.
Covington Travel is a proud sponsor of public broadcasting and WCVE.