Civil War reenactments bring to life the drama and history of the battles, the hardships and the heartbreak of this turbulent period in American history. Reenactment events are staged throughout the year in many states. They draw over 50,000 participants and even more observers annually. If you consider yourself part thespian, part historian, a family genealogist or simply a hobbyist you will enjoy the pageantry and historical accuracy of a reenactment.
150 years ago the Civil War, aka the War Between the States, changed the course of history of the United States. The country was divided over the issues of slavery and industrialization, which pitted the Union (North) against the Confederacy (South) and often brother against brother. Battles raged for four long years from 1861 to 1865, primarily in the Mid-Atlantic States from Pennsylvania to Georgia.
Attending a reenactment is an educational event and a great way to bring history to life, particularly for families with elementary aged youngsters. The entire family can take part and learn about this important period of American heritage. Adults can understand the military leadership and political strategies that influenced the war’s outcome. Children can discover how the troops cooked, slept and traveled. All will appreciate the difficult conditions the soldiers endured and the sacrifices they made for their cause.
As the Sesquicentennial (150th anniversary) of the Civil War begins this year, there will be many events and reenactments throughout the mid-Atlantic and even west of the Mississippi River. Authentic camps are set up with lifestyle demonstrations of living, cooking and leisure activities with reenactors portraying Civil War soldiers and the Sutlers, or merchants who followed the troops. Antique weapons are on display and the boom of cannon firing exhibitions is thrilling. Some reenactments even have full scale mock battles with regiments of infantry, cavalry and artillery, although battles are not allowed on National Park Service land.
This year, consider incorporating the unique experience of a Civil War reenactment into your US vacation. Let Covington’s expert advisors help you plan an enriching exploration of American history.
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